Embassy of China in Paris
Diplomatic representation of China. Information on consular services of the Embassy of China in Paris. On this website you will find general information about the Embassy of China in Paris.
All info on the Chinese Embassy in Paris
Chinese Embassy in Paris, France
11, av. George V
75008 Paris
Telephone Number:
(+33) 1-49521950
Fax Number:
(+33) 1-47202422
Zhao Jinjun - Ambassador
Office Hours:
Consular Assistance
* The Chinese embassy offers consular assistance and emergency support to Chinese citizens besides document certification and the issue of travel documents.
Travel Documents
*Chinese Travel documents - Chinese citizens can get the Chinese passport and application form for Chinese passport or travel documents by requesting the Chinese Embassy in Paris France.
Visa and Passports
*Chinese Visa - the Chinese Embassy in Paris will only issue Chinese visa in Paris if all necessary documents are submitted and approved.
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